Mastering the Art of
Mindful Speaking & Communication

I help people break through personal and professional communication barriers and become unstoppable.

Ready to command the stage and be successful?

So you may ask, how can I help you break through personal and professional communication barriers and become unstoppable?

As a professional public speaking consultant and educator, I I help you conquer your fear of speaking on-camera and help you create amazing videos to increase your brand awareness in the public community and grow your sales. My online courses, coaching programs and in-person workshops are perfect for business leaders, instructors, influencers, social media entrepreneurs, coaches, business owners, marketers and bloggers.

In a easy to learn and engaging way, I hold your hand and teach you how to be your best on camera and easily create professional quality videos to engage your audience in-person or on FB, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, blogs and your website. Imagine truly connecting with your audience and followers and developing your BEST self while growing your business or social cause.   For more information CLICK ON THE BUTTON BELOW!

Looking for something a bit more personalized?...

1. Book Maisha

Let's partner together and initiate positive change in your company or organization

2. Create A Plan

Together we will craft the right plan for you, your team or your organization

3. Get Results

Your plan will give you clear measurable solutions for performance and success

What Others Are Saying...

Richard Nash

Sr. VP Urban & Rhythmic Promotions / 

Red Music a Sony Company 

"Maisha is AMAZING!  By our second session, I began to realize where I was holding myself back (when speaking at conferences and on panels).  With Maisha's guidance and techniques, I have gained more confidence both onstage and off."

Diana Leon Brown

CEO / Artem Leadership Institute

"Intuitive, passionate and wise beyond measure... these are the words I would use to describe my experience of working with Maisha!  In my role and along my career journey, I am called upon as a keynote speaker and moderator often speaking in front of a diversity of large audiences.  But there is something special that happens when Maisha & I get together... it's as if magic happens!  I like to think of our collaborative work efforts as the Dynamic Duo...  "

Kristine Sockwell Friend

VP Brand Marketing / Washington Nationals Baseball Club

"Maisha was very adept at teaching me new speaking strategies to address large audiences and leverage persuasive techniques to make my voice heard.  Her depth of experience is invaluable and she is a pleasure to work with."

Merlin Bobb

Former Music Director / Emmis Comm.

Former Executive VP / Warner Music Group 

Principal Consultant / Roundtable Entmt.  

Partner / Doux Nightlife Group

"Obviously as a former radio personality and Sr. level executive, I felt that public speaking was my strength.  But as I began to explore other business ventures, I found myself in need of developing stronger pitches and talking points for my investor meetings in order to close the deal.  Maisha is gifted with the ability to cut through the noise and helped me (identify & communicate) what is important to my clients (and investors) ."

Michael Eric Dyson

Academic / Author / Television & Radio Host

"Maisha... is a force to be reckoned with... she brings her passions and training together... her Mindful Communication training sessions help prepare EVERYONE, from the performer to the executive, to communicate effectively and deliver their BEST performance in the boardroom and on the stage."

Schedule Your 15 min Complimentary Consultation Today...
Because YOU ARE capable of being confident!

CLICK HERE:   SpeakWithMaisha

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